Leisure Quest GoalThe goal of Leisure Quest is to increase participants' understanding of themselves and the role leisure plays in their lives, to strengthen their skills to overcome barriers to leisure participation, and enhance their ability to create meaningful leisure experiences that contribute to their own well being. Leisure Quest ObjectivesTo achieve the desired goal, participants will...
Leisure Quest
Leisure quest is a community-based leisure education delivery system. Leisure Quest uses experiential learning activities and games (i.e. playful activities) to educate for leisure. Leisure Quest is a unique delivery system that uses the principles of education to enhance one's leisure literacy. What sets Leisure Quest apart from traditional recreation programs and services, is that it uses leisure education to connect participants to existing community leisure and recreation resources, but also uses principles of leisure education to help individuals learn about themselves and the role leisure can have in their life. The outcome is to enhance individuals' abilities to create self-sustaining leisure experiences that are meaningful and enhance their overall well being.
Originally designed to work with equity deserving populations, Leisure Quest can be customized to a number of different populations and contexts. Leisure Quest's principles are the same but the delivery system can change depending on the needs of the organization or the community. Leisure Quest has been launched in a few different communities, with each community utilizing a different delivery system and program to meet their specific needs. Below are examples of who is delivery Leisure Quest and what the overarching goal of each delivery system is. |
Families Experiencing Poverty
Leisure Quest is currently being delivered by a non-profit recreation agency in southern Manitoba, specifically working with families living in poverty. The goal of the delivery system is to educate parents and children about leisure so that the family can create self-sustaining leisure experiences both at home and within the community. Three to four recreation professionals trained in leisure education deliver Leisure Quest to families in an outreach approach. Resource supports for activity sampling and facilitated leisure education modules (games and activities) are provided to the family.
New Canadians
Leisure Quest has also been delivered to new Canadians. Through the work of a a non-profit recreation agency, staff took Leisure Quest and adapted the tools and resources to help educate new Canadians on leisure, but also to help families connect to various recreation activities in the community. Resource supports for activity sampling and facilitated leisure education modules (games and activities) were provided to the family.
Leisure Quest for families, parents, and facilitators was developed for a municipal district in Saskatchewan. The program launched in late 2016. This delivery system trained allied professionals on becoming leisure educators. These professionals then deliver Leisure Quest to families and/or parents they have established relationships with. The goal is to educate the family unit so that they can create self-sustaining leisure experiences both at home and within the community. This delivery system has 3 different programs: 1) The family program focuses on the strengthening the family unit's (parents and children) leisure literacy; 2) The facilitator program focuses on strengthening the parents' role as their child's leisure facilitator; and, 3) The parent program is focused on strengthening the parents' leisure literacy. Similar to the other Leisure Quest delivery systems, resource supports for activity sampling and facilitated leisure education modules (games and activities) are provided to the parents and children.